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JV LLC «Sakhalin-Shelf-Service» got a reward of regional completion “Philantropist of year 2015”

The best Philanthropists of year 2015 were announced in Sakhalin Region. The ceremony took place in column hall of Government of Sakhalin Region Building. Oleg Kozhemyako addressed to the participants of competition.   

— Sometimes, the possibilities of regional authorities in resolution of Sakhalin Region citizens’ problems are limited by current Law, - said the Governor.  — In such situations, we can hardly overprize the role of philanthropists. They come to help, support those who need, share their own funds with other people.  More and more businessmen realize their responsibility towards our society. They understand that one can’t be happy when the person beside you is in need.  Due to our philanthropist’s activity, social climate on Sakhalin and Kuril islands has been significantly improved. It continues old business traditions, followed in Russia.

Oleg Kozhemyako thanked Sakhalin philanthropists for their help to veterans, provided for 70th anniversary of World War II.  
The competition “Philanthropist of the year” has been conducted for more than 10 years. During this time, many businessman from different business areas participated in it. Any citizen, commercial or noncommercial companies may take part in it and provide charity or any other support to social projects, initiatives or noncommercial companies. The priority is given to those beginnings which have significant effect on improvement of regional social infrastructure. The value of financing, in this case, doesn’t matter.   

The following companies won in nomination of "Company-philanthropist of the year’ : “Sakhalin energy Investment Company Ltd", (Roman Dashkov),JV LLC «Sakhalin-Shelf-Service» (Katsev Leonid), LLC  "Poseidon" (Bondarenko Andrey).

Leadership in nomination "Philanthropist of the year-elder generation” is given to LLC “RN-Sakhalinmorneftegas” (Andrey Bardin), IE Anna Bolshakova and LLC “Sakhalin construction and assembly company” (Sergey Gel’d).   

In the nomination "Philanthropist of the year - children": LLC "Gazprom Dobycha Shelf Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk" (Vladimir Krokha), JAS "Korsakov bakery" (Vyacheslav Potechin), LLC "National fishing company “Krasnaya Zarya”  (Alexey Pavlenko).

In the nomination "Philanthropist of the year — social programs" the winner is LLC "Vostochnaya Mining Company" (Petr Haspekov), LLC "Oplot Mira" (Roman Kasyanov), LLC "Fishing farm named on behalf of Kotovskiy G. " (Alexandr Shushpanov).

The following companies are considered to be highly social effective: Exxon Neftegas Limited" (Wayne Warwick), LLC "Prostor" (Vladimir Suprun), LLC "Meddiagnostika" (Ludmila Firsova).

The winner in nomination "Noncommercial company — philantrophist of the year" is the citizen of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Galina Arkhipova.
